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Avenue At Brooklyn

Inspection Results

Nursing Homes Ohio Brooklyn Avenue At Brooklyn

Avenue At Brooklyn has been cited for a total of 1 deficiencies since we began saving each survey. We believe it is worthwhile to show how things are and were. Some improve and some get worse. Rather than a snapshot, we take s longer view than most. A longer view, we believe, paints a better and more worthwhile picture. We start from them most recent and go back as you scroll down.

Tip: Surveys happen throughout the year and you may want to check with the location or here to see if more recent data is available for Avenue At Brooklyn.

Since we bagan longer term (multi year tracking, numbers will naturally be higher than 3 (or so surverys).
There are 950 nursing homes in Ohio with a total of 55,037 deficiencies resulting in an average of 57.93 deficiencies per nursing home.

The following table describes how deficiencies are scored. An easy way to remember the severity of a deficiency's scope is that the further along in the alphabet (A through L) the scope value is, the more severe the deficiency is.
Additionally, A through F means no actual harm has happened.

Table describing the severity and scope of deficiencies

Learn more about:
How Nursing Home Inspections are Conducted SNF, CCRS, and ALFs Estate Planning
Deficiency Cited, Scope, survery date, stems from a complaint, and Date of Correction
Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.
Infection Control Deficiencies
From Complaint:
Survey Date:

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Inspection Results Penalty Enforcements Maps and Directions
Staff Size Medicare Ratings Ratings Comparison
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Avenue At Brooklyn

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